Power Platform and AI

Power Platform and AI


AI was just a buzzword around the world a decade ago, but since then, it has become an active part of various businesses. It completely changes how different organizations work and make decisions but also comes in handy in saving revenue and workforce.

Using AI, which is integrated into Power Automate and Power Apps, lets you automate various processes and collect data while learning from its experiences for the future. However, the major integration of AI is in AI Builder, which is a part of Power Apps.

AI Builder, built on the strong AI capabilities of Azure, allows you to create and train models with AI integrated into them. You can create custom models per your needs or go for some pre-made models designed for various purposes.

AI Builder Models

Let’s look at some of the models available in AI Builder.

Text Recognition

These models are designed to recognize and read text from scanned documents and images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)technology. This way, you can copy all the text quickly instead of reading and writing it all over again.

Object Recognition

These models are trained to detect a specific object or, generally, a category of objects. The most common example of these models is the one used for managing the inventory of supermarkets.


These models process a large amount of available data, detect patterns and predict the future. The best use of these models is in companies with a data-driven approach that make most of their decisions based on data.

Form Processing

These models are capable of collecting the data from scanned documents and arranging it in the form of tables. In contrast to extensive training, the model only needs five examples to create a fully functional application.

Category Classification

This model involves language processing as it processes language and divides the contents into tags and categories. The most common examples are the applications for sentiment analysis and spam detection.

Real-World Example of AI Solution Built With Power Platform: Retail Power App

The primary function of these AI apps is to help companies to run different operations smoothly and with less cost. An example of a real-world application of AI Builder is an application Retail Power App that we built with Power Platform.

It was mainly built for supermarket uses as the products on supermarket shelves are in continuous motion. They are regularly sold and need to be replenished in time. To handle all the shelves of the different categories is a hectic job. So the Retail Power App not only detects the remaining items on the shelves but also orders products that hit the sub-threshold level you set for them. Thus it saves manpower while making sure everything is available all the time.


The addition of AI Builder in Power Platform made it easier for businesses to integrate new technology into their business as it doesn’t require an IT person to build an application. Various existing models can be modified to your requirements, making AI integration into your business much more accessible.

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